Today we will look at one of the reasons why God created us to worship Him. Before I continue I just want to say that God is way bigger and his reasons for doing what He does so much grander than I can try to begin to understand much less explain; these are just a few aspects of God and one of the reason why He created humans.
Because we are sinful humans, it is a temptation to look at God as egotistical. Why does He require the beings He made to worship Him? Isn't that selfish and arrogant? I struggled with this unvoiced question for a long time until by God's providence I got to hear John Piper preach about it. In the sermon, He said this; "If God in some mock humility did not require us to worship Him, it would be the most unloving thing He could do because worshipping Him is what brings us the most pleasure and the most joy." I was blown away! It made so much sense and was all over the Bible (Psalm 16:11 and Philippians 3:7-8 to name a couple). This truth blew me away, but Noel Due put a spin on it that I hadn't seen till until now. He points out that God did not create the human being out of a necessity to be worshipped, but he created us because out of the generosity of His heart He wanted to create a being that could experience the blissful joy that He experiences in communion with Himself. This is amazing! God created us to worship Him so that we could experience the joy that He experiences in communion or worship of Himself within the Trinity.
When we understand this truth it should do at least two things.
1. It should help us to see how disgusting our sin really is.
Our sin at it's root is exchanging the blissful worship of God with the base practice of worshipping self and things in creation. Can you see what we are saying to God as we do this? We are saying that worshipping Him isn't good enough. It is better to worship ourselves and the other things. This is the reason we deserve His wrath. We have caused Him infinite grief, so we deserve infinite punishment.
2. It should help us to see the glory of Christ.
When we see that when Jesus died and rose from the grave He not only granted us forgiveness of our horrid sins, but also a restored relationship with God, it should make us see the infinite value of Christ. Through Him we can worship the One we were made to worship and experience the incomparable joy that goes along with that worship.
For the glory of God
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