Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Ok, so most of you who know me know that I have a problem getting out of bed when I say I am going to. It seems like every night, getting a glimpse of my spiritual health, I plan on getting up at __ the next morning so that I will have time to spend with the Lord. The next morning will roll around and a few snooze buttons later I will have run out of time before I have to get to work or school.

This is a problem. It is a sin issue, and a character issue. I am being lazy. I am essentially loving sleep more than I am loving the one who died for me. I am pathetically wicked.

So I need some help. Please pray for me, everyday if possible. Please try to keep me accountable, ask me how I am doing with it.

I have realized that because I am not making time to spend with the Lord in the morning, it is becoming incredibly difficult to make time at all. My spiritual life is suffering. I am not getting into the word consistently, I do not have a healthy prayer life, and I am becoming more and more seduced by the world.

It is such a relief that even when I am unfaithful, He is faithful. But I need that communion with God.

So please, if you can, help me as I strive to make war on this sin through the power of the Spirit.

For the glory of God


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