Thursday, August 4, 2011

Enthralled with God

The human heart was made to be enthralled with God. God made the human being to be able to taste the joy He experiences in fellowship with Himself. As a redeemed sinner the frustrating thing is that the gaze of my soul is often preoccupied with me or some other created thing. The problem is that this is very boring and horribly unsatisfying to the soul that was created to be filled by the eternal glory of God. I need help! ...we need help.

As believers in Jesus Christ we are called to live somewhere that is not our home. Home is where our souls are in a constant state of complete enthrallment with God, simply put, heaven. This is paradise as it was meant to be, but this is not where we live now. Right now we are called to live in a sin sick world where we are constantly being tempted away from God. If we sit around doing nothing, the gaze of our hearts will be fixed on us. If we try to fight on our own human strength we will be overrun by our flesh the world and the devil. However, God loves to give good gifts to His children. Ask God, plead with Him to help you take your eyes off of yourself and fix them on Him, if it is His will you will taste the joy of basking in God's glory.

For the glory of God

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Nothing Else WIll Do

Hello all! Sorry it has been so long; these last few weeks have been crazy. The plan is for me to put up a new post every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday.

Tonight I would like to post some lyrics to a song I am working on. Feedback is encouraged and helpful! I will try to get a recording up soon.

Nothing Else Will Do:

With everything in me I've got to fight this lie
Sin against God will never satisfy
I need You Jesus Christ
Come keep me from running back to chains
Sin no longer masters me Your grace reigns
Jesus come fill my life

Because nearness is joy
And pleasure forevermore
This world will never satisfy
I was made to worship you
And that is life
Nothing else will do!

You made me to enjoy you
My pleasure and Your glory forever glued
You were faithful, but I didn't stay true
Separation from the joy of Your glory
Was the punishment for all my deeds
And your wrath was poured out, but not on me

Jesus came and stood in my place
Releasing the torrents of Your grace
Bringing me spotless into the holiest place
Through Your pain my soul is satisfied
In Your presence, I'm alive
You were rejected and I am reconciled

Three days later sin felt defeat
As its head was crushed under Jesus' feet
The grave is empty, and we are free
Hallelujah death has lost its sting
God's made a way for man to be redeemed
And satisfied as He receives glory

For the glory of God